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Revolutionize the way you do business and MULTIPLY X your revenue, by leveraging the power of advanced Artificial Intelligence!

Get More Sales and More ROI

by Converting Leads on Autopilot

with the MultiplyX AI

Our MultiplyX AI Assistant, , powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, helps businesses make sure that every lead or sales opportunity gets handled with speed. It will immediately engage with leads and book appointments for your business... 24/7/365!

Need to have conversations in Spanish

or in other languages? No problem!

MultiplyX AI is multilingual.

MultiplyX empowers businesses

to redefine customer engagement and drive sales throu1gh our advanced AI Assistant.

This cutting-edge AI solution is designed to make sure that every lead or sales opportunity is handled with speed and precision.

More Business

When you respond in 5 minutes or less, you are 100x more likely to make initial contact with a lead. Imagine what all those customers could do for your business.

More Power With AI

If you were thinking about hiring an assistant, you won’t need one. All you need is to plug in our MultiplyX AI Assistant, and it immediately begins doing the heavy lifting for you.

More Sales

FACT: 78% of Customers Buy from the Business that Responds FIRST. Waiting too long means that your prospect has probably already moved on, and you lost out on a sale.

A SMart Robot for SMart People

If you want to close more deals with customers, you need to respond when they are ready to talk! And you need to respond in the right way. Our MultiplyX AI Ultimate Assistant, , is trained to determine responses and carry out conversations with one goal: Conversion!

Revolutionize the way you do business and MULTIPLY X your revenue, by leveraging the power of advanced Artificial Intelligence!

Get More Sales and More ROI by Converting Leads on Autopilot with an AI Answering Service

Our MultiplyX AI Assistant, , powered by OpenAI ChatGPT, helps businesses make sure that every lead or sales opportunity gets handled with speed. It will immediately engage with leads and book appointments for your business... 24/7/365!

Need to have conversations in Spanish

or in other languages? No problem!

MultiplyX AI is multilingual.

MultiplyX empowers businesses

to redefine customer engagement and drive sales through our advanced AI Assistant.

This cutting-edge AI solution is designed to make sure that every lead or sales opportunity is handled with speed and precision.

More Business

When you respond in 5 minutes or less, you are 100x more likely to make initial contact with a lead. Imagine what all those customers could do for your business.

More Power With AI

If you were thinking about hiring an assistant, you won’t need one. All you need is to plug in our MultiplyX AI Assistant, and it immediately begins doing the heavy lifting for you.

More Sales

FACT: 78% of Customers Buy from the Business that Responds FIRST. Waiting too long means that your prospect has probably already moved on, and you lost out on a sale.

A SMart Robot for SMart People

If you want to close more deals with customers, you need to respond when they are ready to talk! And you need to respond in the right way. Our MultiplyX AI Assistant, , is trained to determine responses and carry out conversations with one goal: Conversion!

Unlock the power of AI for your business with

our AI Ultimate Assistant


Get Predictable Results

Unlike hiring a human virtual assistant, answering service or paying a full-time employee, your bot will generate predictable results.

Capture Organic Leads

Convert casual visitors into valuable leads by providing quick responses and personalized interactions from various online channels.

Speed to Lead

Skyrocket your business' speed to lead and ensure that every lead is followed up instantaneously. Ensures you never miss opportunities.

Get Time Back

Stop wasting time on tedious, repetitive tasks, and feel confident that your customers are being taken care of 24/7/365. Get more time to enjoy life.

Rapid Response

Every prospect's reply is answered within 1 minute or less. It swiftly provides immediate answers to common queries.


Handles a range of tasks from basic conversations to moderately complex interactions in several languages, with its strongest capabilities in English.

Personalize the AI Ultimate Assistant with a name and personality that aligns with your brand and connects with your customers on a more personal level.

Boost your business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Learn how our MultiplyX AI Ultimate Assistant, can transform your operations.

Give your AI Ultimate Assistant a personalized touch with a name and a personality that aligns with your brand and connects with your customers on a more personal level.

Boost your business efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Learn how our M, can transform your operations.

Join 3,200+ Successful Customers!




The Multiplyx AI Ultimate Assistant handles and guides leads through the entire journey, from hello to conversion, nurturing them from warm prospects to a successful sale to raving fans.

Captures Leads

  • Converts missed calls into text message conversations

  • Live chat widget for round-the-clock assistance

  • Provides prompt, accurate responses across multiple channels like calls, emails, texts, Facebook and Instagram DMs, web inquiries, and Google My Business chat

Qualifies Leads

  • Asks qualifying questions to understand the lead's needs and pain points

  • Evaluates the lead's budget, timeline, and decision-making authority

  • Categorizes leads based on their readiness and fit for your offerings

  • Uses predefined criteria to determine the quality of leads

Follow Up & Nurture Leads

  • Takes over the automated follow-up & nurture messages

  • Asks for specific pain points or concerns without being intrusive

  • Provides avenues for leads to seek more information

  • Subtly attempts to schedule an appointment with the lead

Engages in Conversations

  • engages conversations in a warm and professional manner

  • Personalizes interactions based on available lead data

  • Provides information about products/services and their benefits

  • Gains insights into the lead's motivations

Appointment Setting

  • Offers available time slots for demos, consultations or meetings

  • Coordinates schedules efficiently based on lead's preferences

  • Sends automated reminders and confirmations for scheduled appointments

  • Seamlessly transitions leads to the next stage of engagement

Reviews & Referrals

  • Simplifies gathering and posting of customer reviews, boosting online presence

  • Rekindles interest from past clients to transform them into repeat buyers or generate referrals

  • Craft customized campaigns to stay top of mind

  • keep customers updated on new products and services

The MultiplyX AI CRM

While our AI Ultimate Assistant can excel at automating certain aspects of lead engagement, a human touch ultimately, still remains essential for building strong relationships and handling intricate objections.

The goal should be to strike a balance between efficient automation and personalized communication to drive successful lead conversion and long-term customer relationships.

Meet the Team

Lori Lauron

Chief Executive


Marv Cellona

Chief Administrative


April Ermita


Technical Operations

Gladys Dacanay


Automation & AI

Joben Ermita


Technical Expert

George Norbe


Web Design & SEO

Boyette Redido



Meet the Team

Lori Lauron

Chief Executive Officer

Marv Cellona

Chief Administrative Officer

April Ermita

Chief Technical Officer

Gladys Dacanay

Automation & AI

Joben Ermita

Media & Content

George Norbe

Web Design & SEO

Boyette Redido


Too busy and want to completely hand us your AI speed to lead? Want it all Done-For-You?

Not only do we offer the incredible to respond to all your leads... But we also offer 24/7 Unlimited Managed Chat Agents with Human Rollover. If your bot gets confused or doesn't know how to respond, the conversation will automatically rollover to one of our chat agents, so you'll actually spend 0 Hours responding.

Setup Account

Pay the setup fee to get your account configured to easily add or remove client locations any time of day.

Sit Back

You get time back to run your business and spend with family and friends, and all the pressure to respond to leads is 100% off you.

Start Chatting

With our human rollover activated, every reply is reviewed in less than 1 minute and responded to immediately.

Our Plans



Benefit 1

Benefit 2

Benefit 3

Benefit 4



Benefit 1

Benefit 2

Benefit 3

Benefit 4



Benefit 1

Benefit 2

Benefit 3

Benefit 4

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

You can go to the pricing page for more information. We understand that every business is distinct, which is why our pricing structure is designed to be adaptable and tailored to your specific needs.

How fast is the AI's response time?

Our speed to lead service responds to your leads immediately within a couple of minutes.

Will it book the appointments to my calendar?

Yes, appointments will be automatically scheduled and synced to your sales calendar so that you will book more calls and make more sales.

Can the AI ultimate assistant ask questions to qualify leads?

Yes, we will walk through any sort of qualifying flow with you, to make sure your AI ultimate assistant has the most information possible to qualify leads.

What happens if the bot fails?

In a rare situation where the bot is not able to respond, an alert will be sent directly to your team, for you to be able to hop in and continue the conversation.

Can I customize the language?

Our AI ultimate assistant is primarily designed to operate in English, offering the highest level of proficiency and understanding in this language. It is also capable of understanding and responding in several other languages, including Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian, among others. Please note that the performance in non-English languages may not be as refined, especially for complex tasks or in languages that are less commonly spoken globally. We are continuously working to enhance our models' multilingual capabilities to better serve a diverse user base.

Ready To Close More Deals?

Schedule A Call!

empowers businesses of every kind